Introduction: Macroscopic-morphometrical study of human kidney provides various data like dimensions, length variation on coronal section, number of; pyramid, minor calyx, major calyx and renal sinus with clinical significance. Materials and methods: Total 101 kidneys were dissected and macroscopically studied. Various data like weight, length, breadth, thickness, length of cortex and medulla, number of; pyramid, minor calyx, major calyx and renal sinus were observed and analyzed. Results: In our study, range of weight of right and left kidney was 75-185 gm and 45-165 gm with their average weight 117.6+24.71 gm and 131+27.63 gm respectively. Range of length of right and left kidney was 6.8-12.3 cm and 6.9-11.9 cm with their average length 9.35+1.07 cm and 9.5+0.98 cm respectively. Range of breadth of right and left kidney was 4.4-6.3cm and 4.4-6.5 cm with their average breadth 5.3+0.91 cm and 5.5+0.62 cm respectively. Range of thickness of right and left kidney was 2.9–5.6 cm and 2.5–4.9cm with their average thickness 3.57+0.65 cm and 3.68+0.62 cm respectively. Range of; cortex, medulla of; right and left kidney were 0.4–1.2 cm, 0.9-1.7cm and 0.4-1.2, 1.2 -2.8 cm with their average length of; cortex and medulla 0.77+0.21, cm, 1.82+0.39cm and 0.78+0.25 cm, 1.79+0.38 cm respectively. Range of number of; pyramid, minor calyx, major calyx and renal sinus of right and left kidney were 6-18, 2-10, 1-5, 12-10 and 6-13, 3-9, 1-5, 2-8 with their average number of; pyramid, minor calyx, major calyx, and renal sinus were 10+3,6+2,3+1,6+2 and 9+2,6+2,3+1,5+2 respectively. 6% and 8% in both lobulated kidneys (right and left), 2% in polycystic right kidney, and 92% in both normal kidneys. 66%, 70% and 34%, 30% were found normal and variation in hilar structures in both kidneys (right and left) respectively. Conclusion: This study of kidney plays important role in improving the knowledge for pathologist, surgeons and radiologist.