Background: Stigma are stereotypical views for an individual or groups of people when their behavior are viewed as inferior or inferior to social norms. Stigma most often refers to a group of negative and often inappropriate beliefs that is something about a society or group of people. Objective: Main objective of the study was to find out the association between the stigma and anxiety related to covid -19 vaccination among Nursing students. Methods: A quantitative and descriptive cross sectional was conducted on 100 Nursing students who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Non probability, purposive sampling techniques was used for selection of the samples from nursing students of IINS&R. Structured Socio demographic profile, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale and Stigma Assessment was used to assess stigma and anxiety of covid-19 vaccination. Results: Majority of students 60% had mild level of stigma while 33% reported chance of a moderate stigma. It was found in study that majority of students 84% had mild level of anxiety, out of 100 subject 9% had moderate anxiety while 7% chance of low anxiety. Conclusion: The study concluded that, it helps to focus on the importance of life events especially of stigma aspect and anxiety. It helps to reduce individually stigma and anxiety new and challenging situations related covid-19 vaccination.